Read more about the article The John Cusack Nudge
Photo: Pinterest

The John Cusack Nudge

So I’ve written about the Tony Danza Principle many times before.  Yeah, it’s a thing.  But have you heard of the John Cusack Nudge?  Oh you haven’t?  Prepare to be…

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Read more about the article The Endless Last Straw
Photo by Heidi Walley on Unsplash

The Endless Last Straw

“That’s it, this is the last straw”!  A lot of people have said this a time or two in their life, including yours truly.  You know what most people who…

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Read more about the article The Marvelous Ms. Slowsky
What are you looking at? (Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash)

The Marvelous Ms. Slowsky

Remember those Geiko commercials that had the turtles named the Slowskys?  They’re gold.  Don’t remember?  Look it up. Done?  Okay, now we can go on.  The Slowskys, they’re on their…

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Hopeless Tomatoes

It’s recently been brought to my attention that I'm a hopeless romantic.  Shocking right?  Why do they call it hopeless? Less hope? Or even lesser than less, none?  No hope…

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