Read more about the article Trauma is a Blessing
Beautiful beach sunrise with my BFF - Maine, 2020

Trauma is a Blessing

(This Post Brought to You by the Letter B) Crazy thought right?  How in the world could trauma be good?  Who would ever think that?   I do.  I was…

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Read more about the article Death by Drowning – Coincidence or Fate?
Matthew Perry RIP

Death by Drowning – Coincidence or Fate?

Driving home from work tonight I heard on the radio that Matthew Perry died.  For those who live under a rock or who are under the age of 30, he…

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Read more about the article The Perks of Being a Pinecone
View with pine trees on the hike up to Lake Ptarmigan, Colorado

The Perks of Being a Pinecone

So there’s this tree called the Lodgepole pine, its pinecones need heat from a wildfire to melt its resin so the seeds can be released to make more pine trees. …

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Read more about the article It Would Be Sadder if It Wasn’t Sad
yeah, I've used this pic before, but when I think of sad things, I think of the squonk

It Would Be Sadder if It Wasn’t Sad

So tonight I went with a friend to a birthday party for a woman who worked at my friend’s old job, a hospice center.  Apparently I met the birthday girl…

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Read more about the article It’s Complicated
Rubik's cube = complicated (Photo by 7AV 7AV on Unsplash)

It’s Complicated

No, I’m not talking about a Facebook relationship status (though that would accurately describe pretty much all the romantic relationships I’ve had in my life). I’m talking about the term…

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