Float in Your Boat

Not sure what to write about.  Hopeless Tomatoes has risen to one of my all time favorite things I’ve ever written so kinda hard to top that.

I could write about the Ester Hicks quotes I’ve been reading lately about vibrations and energy.  Yeah, deep, existential shit but I’m deep and existential I guess.  I had a good conversation with a co-worker about that kinda stuff on Sunday.  I have nothing else at the moment so maybe I should expand on that.  


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Read more about the article The Lighthouse
Didn't know I'd be writing this piece when I took this picture in October 2020. Sunrise at Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse, Acadia National Park, Maine

The Lighthouse

“I’m like a fucking lighthouse keeper.  Out here on my own...keeping this flame burning.  Of course, when anyone sees a lighthouse, they steer clear, don’t they?”     I am a…

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Read more about the article The Suffering – Perspectives from a Suicide Survivor
Candle lighting ceremony I was graciously invited to by my friend who worked at this amazing place at the time to honor our loved one who left The Suffering. A giant thank you to my friend for including me.

The Suffering – Perspectives from a Suicide Survivor

We’re all in it, the Suffering.  That’s what I’ve named this thing called the human experience.  Sounds awful right?  It’s not.  The Suffering is a gift, a wonderful gift. And…

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