Read more about the article Phobia-phobic
Phobia of dark alleys? Nah, not when there's a pub in the middle. (Photo by Joey Banks on Unsplash)


Is there such a thing as phobia-phobic, a fear of phobias?  Is it even a real word?  When I first heard this word it made me laugh. A character on…

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Read more about the article Safety in Solitude
Alone in the crowd. Can you spot my sister's dog Jake? He follows his own path.

Safety in Solitude

“I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be…

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Read more about the article The Phone – An Apology Letter
My phone angst made me think of this sign I saw while on vacation last year. Fruita, CO

The Phone – An Apology Letter

Dear Everyone That Calls Me,   I am the worst.  Who doesn’t talk to the people they love and care about?  Answer: me.    It’s a big joke nowadays that…

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