Make Your Mess Your Message

It’s funny how life works.  I wrote Tuna Fish and Doritos a couple months ago (even though my procrastination pushed off my posting it), then a few weeks ago I…

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Read more about the article Balance
Look no hands! Trying to keep my balance while ziplining at Spring Mountain years ago


So there’s a tropical storm here today, August 5, 2020.  (Yeah yeah, I know it’s December now, but I started this writing in August and since I’m the best procrastinator…

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Read more about the article The Common Denominator
Common denominator in most of my adventures - my trusty 17 year old car

The Common Denominator

Who can I talk to?  As much as I like being alone, times like now I just want to talk to someone.  Not sure who or about what.  Someone or…

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