Read more about the article To Err is Human, To Forgive Divinely Difficult
Photo by Mark Tulin on Unsplash

To Err is Human, To Forgive Divinely Difficult

So I’m watching this guilty pleasure Lifetime movie right now (don’t judge, hey it’s not the Hallmark channel) based on true events where this wife cheated on her marine husband…

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Read more about the article Dry January – WTF?
Liquor store sign in the dry climate of southwestern Colorado

Dry January – WTF?

Seriously, who came up with this idea?  I get why–the ubiquitous cleanse from all the overindulging we did around the holidays.  I say it’s all bullshit. Dry January is just…

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Read more about the article Life Lessons From a Jedi
Photo: Pinterest

Life Lessons From a Jedi

I was angry today, Monday.  Kinda woke up in a bad mood for no particular reason.  Things in life have been going okay lately I guess but for whatever reason…

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Read more about the article Death by Drowning – Coincidence or Fate?
Matthew Perry RIP

Death by Drowning – Coincidence or Fate?

Driving home from work tonight I heard on the radio that Matthew Perry died.  For those who live under a rock or who are under the age of 30, he…

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Read more about the article The Perks of Being a Pinecone
View with pine trees on the hike up to Lake Ptarmigan, Colorado

The Perks of Being a Pinecone

So there’s this tree called the Lodgepole pine, its pinecones need heat from a wildfire to melt its resin so the seeds can be released to make more pine trees. …

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