Read more about the article The Endless Last Straw
Photo by Heidi Walley on Unsplash

The Endless Last Straw

“That’s it, this is the last straw”!  A lot of people have said this a time or two in their life, including yours truly.  You know what most people who…

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Read more about the article It’s Complicated
Rubik's cube = complicated (Photo by 7AV 7AV on Unsplash)

It’s Complicated

No, I’m not talking about a Facebook relationship status (though that would accurately describe pretty much all the romantic relationships I’ve had in my life). I’m talking about the term…

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What if You Died at 45?

Watching Bohemian Rhapsody tonight, again. It's a movie about the band Queen for those living under a rock.  The lead singer, Freddy Mercury, died in 1991 at 45 years old. …

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Read more about the article Taking the L – The Game of Letting Go
Some things are hard to let go of

Taking the L – The Game of Letting Go

We say this at work on slow days with no customers - just take the L and chalk this day up to a loss.  No customers = no tips =…

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Read more about the article Don’t Boil the Ocean
The majestic boiling ocean at Acadia National Park, Maine

Don’t Boil the Ocean

Don't boil the ocean. A friend of mine said this the other night.  At the time he was referring to a mutual friend being teased because his favorite football team…

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