Read more about the article Metaphorically Speaking
(Photo: Pinterest

Metaphorically Speaking

So I was driving home from work tonight and started thinking (keep your shocked faces to yourself), I write in metaphors a lot.  Okay, now that I really think about…

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Read more about the article House of Squonk
yeah, I've used this pic before, but when I think of sad things, I think of the squonk

House of Squonk

The other day my house was crying.  Tears everywhere.  Well, water was pouring out of my ceiling and streaming down the walls from a hole in my roof, but I…

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Tuna Fish and Doritos

I have no idea what this piece is about.  I was just free writing earlier and the thought that I like Doritos on a tuna fish sandwich popped in my…

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Read more about the article Balance
Look no hands! Trying to keep my balance while ziplining at Spring Mountain years ago


So there’s a tropical storm here today, August 5, 2020.  (Yeah yeah, I know it’s December now, but I started this writing in August and since I’m the best procrastinator…

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