Read more about the article The John Cusack Nudge
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The John Cusack Nudge

So I’ve written about the Tony Danza Principle many times before.  Yeah, it’s a thing.  But have you heard of the John Cusack Nudge?  Oh you haven’t?  Prepare to be…

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Hopeless Tomatoes

It’s recently been brought to my attention that I'm a hopeless romantic.  Shocking right?  Why do they call it hopeless? Less hope? Or even lesser than less, none?  No hope…

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Read more about the article Hope is the Worst Thing You Can Give Someone
Hope this campfire stays lit in the rain.

Hope is the Worst Thing You Can Give Someone

A friend of mine asked me what’s the worst thing you can give someone.  I dunno, a scorching case of herpes?  Ferris Bueller’s Day Off anyone?  Nope.  The answer is…

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