Read more about the article Ego vs. Self-Respect
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Ego vs. Self-Respect

Blurry is the line between ego and self-respect.  Worse than the fog outside my window this morning. So what prompted me to write about this existential face-off of good vs.…

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Read more about the article Don’t Boil the Ocean
The majestic boiling ocean at Acadia National Park, Maine

Don’t Boil the Ocean

Don't boil the ocean. A friend of mine said this the other night.  At the time he was referring to a mutual friend being teased because his favorite football team…

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Read more about the article Phobia-phobic
Phobia of dark alleys? Nah, not when there's a pub in the middle. (Photo by Joey Banks on Unsplash)


Is there such a thing as phobia-phobic, a fear of phobias?  Is it even a real word?  When I first heard this word it made me laugh. A character on…

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Plate Emoji

You know the emoji you use when your mind is blown? 🤯 Yeah, that one.  One day I said to someone that this emoji looks like a plate fell on…

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Read more about the article FMYMO – Fear Makes You Miss Out
Fear didn't make me miss out from sleeping under the stars.

FMYMO – Fear Makes You Miss Out

No, I’m not drunk, yet.  I wrote that correctly.  It isn’t FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out.  It’s FMYMO - Fear Makes You Miss Out.  Don’t let fear rule your…

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