Read more about the article The John Cusack Nudge
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The John Cusack Nudge

So I’ve written about the Tony Danza Principle many times before.  Yeah, it’s a thing.  But have you heard of the John Cusack Nudge?  Oh you haven’t?  Prepare to be…

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What if You Died at 45?

Watching Bohemian Rhapsody tonight, again. It's a movie about the band Queen for those living under a rock.  The lead singer, Freddy Mercury, died in 1991 at 45 years old. …

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Read more about the article FMYMO – Fear Makes You Miss Out
Fear didn't make me miss out from sleeping under the stars.

FMYMO – Fear Makes You Miss Out

No, I’m not drunk, yet.  I wrote that correctly.  It isn’t FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out.  It’s FMYMO - Fear Makes You Miss Out.  Don’t let fear rule your…

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Hopeless Tomatoes

It’s recently been brought to my attention that I'm a hopeless romantic.  Shocking right?  Why do they call it hopeless? Less hope? Or even lesser than less, none?  No hope…

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Make Your Mess Your Message

It’s funny how life works.  I wrote Tuna Fish and Doritos a couple months ago (even though my procrastination pushed off my posting it), then a few weeks ago I…

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