Read more about the article The Phone – An Apology Letter
My phone angst made me think of this sign I saw while on vacation last year. Fruita, CO

The Phone – An Apology Letter

Dear Everyone That Calls Me,   I am the worst.  Who doesn’t talk to the people they love and care about?  Answer: me.    It’s a big joke nowadays that…

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Pay It Backward

So I was driving home from work tonight just thinking how thankful I am to have such a great job that I do indeed love.  How many people can say…

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Read more about the article Wawa – Life Lessons from a Convenience Store
My local oasis (Eh a little blurry)

Wawa – Life Lessons from a Convenience Store

Us East Coast peeps know.  Wawa.  It’s practically a religion.  It’s the Garden of Eden of convenience stores.  7-Eleven - nah.  Starbucks - too intimidating.  What the hell does venti…

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Read more about the article Hope is the Worst Thing You Can Give Someone
Hope this campfire stays lit in the rain.

Hope is the Worst Thing You Can Give Someone

A friend of mine asked me what’s the worst thing you can give someone.  I dunno, a scorching case of herpes?  Ferris Bueller’s Day Off anyone?  Nope.  The answer is…

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Read more about the article The Common Denominator
Common denominator in most of my adventures - my trusty 17 year old car

The Common Denominator

Who can I talk to?  As much as I like being alone, times like now I just want to talk to someone.  Not sure who or about what.  Someone or…

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