Read more about the article Life Lessons From a Jedi
Photo: Pinterest

Life Lessons From a Jedi

I was angry today, Monday.  Kinda woke up in a bad mood for no particular reason.  Things in life have been going okay lately I guess but for whatever reason…

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Read more about the article The John Cusack Nudge
Photo: Pinterest

The John Cusack Nudge

So I’ve written about the Tony Danza Principle many times before.  Yeah, it’s a thing.  But have you heard of the John Cusack Nudge?  Oh you haven’t?  Prepare to be…

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Read more about the article Why Does Doing the Right Thing Always Seem to Get You Nowhere?
Even the middle of nowhere can be beautiful (Colorado, October 2023)

Why Does Doing the Right Thing Always Seem to Get You Nowhere?

Everybody cheats.  I’m not talking Watergate or even Deflategate proportions here, I’m talking about the little fudging we all seem to do from time to time.  Things such as not…

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Read more about the article They Always Come Crawling Back (A Lesson in Graveling)
Photo by Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash

They Always Come Crawling Back (A Lesson in Graveling)

Did you ever have someone in your life that wronged you and was incommunicado for a long time then out of nowhere they just show up at your doorstep one…

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Read more about the article Death by Drowning – Coincidence or Fate?
Matthew Perry RIP

Death by Drowning – Coincidence or Fate?

Driving home from work tonight I heard on the radio that Matthew Perry died.  For those who live under a rock or who are under the age of 30, he…

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