Read more about the article Stop and Smell the Bagels
Everything Bagel Cafe - my local bagel/coffee shop. Support small business!

Stop and Smell the Bagels

Ever have one of those days where you feel like the Universe is smiling down on you?  For some of us that feels like a rare occurrence.  Today is one…

Read more about the article To Err is Human, To Forgive Divinely Difficult
Photo by Mark Tulin on Unsplash

To Err is Human, To Forgive Divinely Difficult

So I’m watching this guilty pleasure Lifetime movie right now (don’t judge, hey it’s not the Hallmark channel) based on true events where this wife cheated on her marine husband…

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Read more about the article Roll the Tape – A Theory on Death
Photo by Anika De Klerk on Unsplash

Roll the Tape – A Theory on Death

Death sounds terrible doesn’t it?  Just the word itself sounds so harsh, so low-base, like the deepest-voiced opera singer (apparently called an Oktavist - who knew?).  Hey, you and I…

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Read more about the article Forgive and Forget?
Photo by Daphne Richard on Unsplash

Forgive and Forget?

If you’re currently in the midst of dealing with the pain of being wronged by someone, this phrase might come to mind.  Maybe a friend stood you up, your boss…

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Read more about the article There Are Two Kinds of People in This World
Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

There Are Two Kinds of People in This World

I've realized basic humanity comes down to two types of people - those who help the cashier bag their groceries and those who just stand there and watch. I was…

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