Read more about the article Ego vs. Self-Respect
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Ego vs. Self-Respect

Blurry is the line between ego and self-respect.  Worse than the fog outside my window this morning. So what prompted me to write about this existential face-off of good vs.…

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Read more about the article Don’t Boil the Ocean
The majestic boiling ocean at Acadia National Park, Maine

Don’t Boil the Ocean

Don't boil the ocean. A friend of mine said this the other night.  At the time he was referring to a mutual friend being teased because his favorite football team…

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Read more about the article The Marvelous Ms. Slowsky
What are you looking at? (Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash)

The Marvelous Ms. Slowsky

Remember those Geiko commercials that had the turtles named the Slowskys?  They’re gold.  Don’t remember?  Look it up. Done?  Okay, now we can go on.  The Slowskys, they’re on their…

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Read more about the article FMYMO – Fear Makes You Miss Out
Fear didn't make me miss out from sleeping under the stars.

FMYMO – Fear Makes You Miss Out

No, I’m not drunk, yet.  I wrote that correctly.  It isn’t FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out.  It’s FMYMO - Fear Makes You Miss Out.  Don’t let fear rule your…

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Float in Your Boat

Not sure what to write about.  Hopeless Tomatoes has risen to one of my all time favorite things I’ve ever written so kinda hard to top that.

I could write about the Ester Hicks quotes I’ve been reading lately about vibrations and energy.  Yeah, deep, existential shit but I’m deep and existential I guess.  I had a good conversation with a co-worker about that kinda stuff on Sunday.  I have nothing else at the moment so maybe I should expand on that.  


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