Read more about the article It’s Complicated
Rubik's cube = complicated (Photo by 7AV 7AV on Unsplash)

It’s Complicated

No, I’m not talking about a Facebook relationship status (though that would accurately describe pretty much all the romantic relationships I’ve had in my life). I’m talking about the term…

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Read more about the article A Lesson in Patience
My partner-in-crime patiently fishing

A Lesson in Patience

I hate that Guns N Roses pops into my head when I think of the word patience. The word whiny also comes to mind right now.  I need patience to…

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Read more about the article Is Anyone as Reliable as My Car?
The sun shining on the reliable Deviled Egg

Is Anyone as Reliable as My Car?

Serious fucking question.  Besides a select, and I mean very select few, I can’t think of many.  Patterns, history, do me wrong once shame on you and all that jazz. …

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Read more about the article Metaphorically Speaking
(Photo: Pinterest

Metaphorically Speaking

So I was driving home from work tonight and started thinking (keep your shocked faces to yourself), I write in metaphors a lot.  Okay, now that I really think about…

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Tuna Fish and Doritos

I have no idea what this piece is about.  I was just free writing earlier and the thought that I like Doritos on a tuna fish sandwich popped in my…

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