Read more about the article To Err is Human, To Forgive Divinely Difficult
Photo by Mark Tulin on Unsplash

To Err is Human, To Forgive Divinely Difficult

So I’m watching this guilty pleasure Lifetime movie right now (don’t judge, hey it’s not the Hallmark channel) based on true events where this wife cheated on her marine husband…

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Read more about the article Trauma is a Blessing
Beautiful beach sunrise with my BFF - Maine, 2020

Trauma is a Blessing

(This Post Brought to You by the Letter B) Crazy thought right?  How in the world could trauma be good?  Who would ever think that?   I do.  I was…

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Read more about the article Roll the Tape – A Theory on Death
Photo by Anika De Klerk on Unsplash

Roll the Tape – A Theory on Death

Death sounds terrible doesn’t it?  Just the word itself sounds so harsh, so low-base, like the deepest-voiced opera singer (apparently called an Oktavist - who knew?).  Hey, you and I…

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Read more about the article Life Lessons From a Jedi
Photo: Pinterest

Life Lessons From a Jedi

I was angry today, Monday.  Kinda woke up in a bad mood for no particular reason.  Things in life have been going okay lately I guess but for whatever reason…

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Read more about the article They Always Come Crawling Back (A Lesson in Graveling)
Photo by Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash

They Always Come Crawling Back (A Lesson in Graveling)

Did you ever have someone in your life that wronged you and was incommunicado for a long time then out of nowhere they just show up at your doorstep one…

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