Read more about the article It Would Be Sadder if It Wasn’t Sad
yeah, I've used this pic before, but when I think of sad things, I think of the squonk

It Would Be Sadder if It Wasn’t Sad

So tonight I went with a friend to a birthday party for a woman who worked at my friend’s old job, a hospice center.  Apparently I met the birthday girl…

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Read more about the article Taking the L – The Game of Letting Go
Some things are hard to let go of

Taking the L – The Game of Letting Go

We say this at work on slow days with no customers - just take the L and chalk this day up to a loss.  No customers = no tips =…

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Read more about the article The Suffering – Perspectives from a Suicide Survivor
Candle lighting ceremony I was graciously invited to by my friend who worked at this amazing place at the time to honor our loved one who left The Suffering. A giant thank you to my friend for including me.

The Suffering – Perspectives from a Suicide Survivor

We’re all in it, the Suffering.  That’s what I’ve named this thing called the human experience.  Sounds awful right?  It’s not.  The Suffering is a gift, a wonderful gift. And…

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