Read more about the article It’s Complicated
Rubik's cube = complicated (Photo by 7AV 7AV on Unsplash)

It’s Complicated

No, I’m not talking about a Facebook relationship status (though that would accurately describe pretty much all the romantic relationships I’ve had in my life). I’m talking about the term…

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I almost didn’t write this.   Looking at that phone.  That terminally locked phone.   Pictures I will only see through the lens of my memory. Memories that rescued me From Grief…

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Read more about the article A Lesson in Patience
My partner-in-crime patiently fishing

A Lesson in Patience

I hate that Guns N Roses pops into my head when I think of the word patience. The word whiny also comes to mind right now.  I need patience to…

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Read more about the article Ego vs. Self-Respect
Photo: - Pinterest

Ego vs. Self-Respect

Blurry is the line between ego and self-respect.  Worse than the fog outside my window this morning. So what prompted me to write about this existential face-off of good vs.…

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Plate Emoji

You know the emoji you use when your mind is blown? 🤯 Yeah, that one.  One day I said to someone that this emoji looks like a plate fell on…

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