A Cry for the Sunflowers (Welcome to PTSD)
I was watching this show the other day where a man was in a military rehab center recovering from a stroke. And as no show is complete without the obligatory…
I was watching this show the other day where a man was in a military rehab center recovering from a stroke. And as no show is complete without the obligatory…
I was watching this movie with Jake Gylenhall called The Guilty and a character in the movie said this quote, “broken people save broken people.” It’s so fucking true that…
(This Post Brought to You by the Letter B) Crazy thought right? How in the world could trauma be good? Who would ever think that? I do. I was…
Death sounds terrible doesn’t it? Just the word itself sounds so harsh, so low-base, like the deepest-voiced opera singer (apparently called an Oktavist - who knew?). Hey, you and I…
So there’s this tree called the Lodgepole pine, its pinecones need heat from a wildfire to melt its resin so the seeds can be released to make more pine trees. …