Read more about the article Stop and Smell the Bagels
Everything Bagel Cafe - my local bagel/coffee shop. Support small business!

Stop and Smell the Bagels

Ever have one of those days where you feel like the Universe is smiling down on you?  For some of us that feels like a rare occurrence.  Today is one…

Read more about the article Broken People Save Broken People
Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Broken People Save Broken People

I was watching this movie with Jake Gylenhall called The Guilty and a character in the movie said this quote, “broken people save broken people.”  It’s so fucking true that…

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Valentine’s Day Can Suck It

It’s not actually Valentine's Day yet, today is February 13th, Galentine's Day, a day to hang out with your gals, pals, friends, hell even your pets.  Pets are friends people. …

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Read more about the article Trauma is a Blessing
Beautiful beach sunrise with my BFF - Maine, 2020

Trauma is a Blessing

(This Post Brought to You by the Letter B) Crazy thought right?  How in the world could trauma be good?  Who would ever think that?   I do.  I was…

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Read more about the article There Are Two Kinds of People in This World
Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

There Are Two Kinds of People in This World

I've realized basic humanity comes down to two types of people - those who help the cashier bag their groceries and those who just stand there and watch. I was…

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