Read more about the article What Is The Story Arc of Your Life?
Photo by Sorasak on Unsplash

What Is The Story Arc of Your Life?

So I was listening to Preston & Steve on my way into work the other morning (long running awesome morning radio show for those not in the Philly know) and…

Read more about the article Why Is Everyone So Trigger Happy?
Roy Rogers and his horse, Trigger (Photo: Pinterest,

Why Is Everyone So Trigger Happy?

It’s 10:36 p.m. on a Wednesday and I just got home from watching the Phillies lose to the Mets tonight and their season is now over.  They suck balls. They…

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Read more about the article A Cry for the Sunflowers (Welcome to PTSD)
Sunflower field at Norristown Farm Park

A Cry for the Sunflowers (Welcome to PTSD)

I was watching this show the other day where a man was in a military rehab center recovering from a stroke.  And as no show is complete without the obligatory…

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Read more about the article Stop and Smell the Bagels
Everything Bagel Cafe - my local bagel/coffee shop. Support small business!

Stop and Smell the Bagels

Ever have one of those days where you feel like the Universe is smiling down on you?  For some of us that feels like a rare occurrence.  Today is one…

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