Read more about the article The Marvelous Ms. Slowsky
What are you looking at? (Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash)

The Marvelous Ms. Slowsky

Remember those Geiko commercials that had the turtles named the Slowskys?  They’re gold.  Don’t remember?  Look it up. Done?  Okay, now we can go on.  The Slowskys, they’re on their…

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Plate Emoji

You know the emoji you use when your mind is blown? 🤯 Yeah, that one.  One day I said to someone that this emoji looks like a plate fell on…

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Read more about the article FMYMO – Fear Makes You Miss Out
Fear didn't make me miss out from sleeping under the stars.

FMYMO – Fear Makes You Miss Out

No, I’m not drunk, yet.  I wrote that correctly.  It isn’t FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out.  It’s FMYMO - Fear Makes You Miss Out.  Don’t let fear rule your…

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Hopeless Tomatoes

It’s recently been brought to my attention that I'm a hopeless romantic.  Shocking right?  Why do they call it hopeless? Less hope? Or even lesser than less, none?  No hope…

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Read more about the article House of Squonk
yeah, I've used this pic before, but when I think of sad things, I think of the squonk

House of Squonk

The other day my house was crying.  Tears everywhere.  Well, water was pouring out of my ceiling and streaming down the walls from a hole in my roof, but I…

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