Pay It Backward

So I was driving home from work tonight just thinking how thankful I am to have such a great job that I do indeed love.  How many people can say…

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Read more about the article Wawa – Life Lessons from a Convenience Store
My local oasis (Eh a little blurry)

Wawa – Life Lessons from a Convenience Store

Us East Coast peeps know.  Wawa.  It’s practically a religion.  It’s the Garden of Eden of convenience stores.  7-Eleven - nah.  Starbucks - too intimidating.  What the hell does venti…

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Read more about the article Do You Take Enough Risks?
Gorgeous Colorado scenery. With great risk comes great reward

Do You Take Enough Risks?

A friend of mine told me he was going to do some work on his roof today.  I just told him to be careful up there.  It’s raining.  Then it…

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