Read more about the article Did You Ever Just Want to Live in a Smell?
I can get behind the smell of a campfire (Utah - 2019)

Did You Ever Just Want to Live in a Smell?

I have this candle that I absolutely love. Every time I smell it I just want to jump in it, live in it.  Of course, it’s now discontinued. It’s Magnolia…

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Read more about the article Dry January – WTF?
Liquor store sign in the dry climate of southwestern Colorado

Dry January – WTF?

Seriously, who came up with this idea?  I get why–the ubiquitous cleanse from all the overindulging we did around the holidays.  I say it’s all bullshit. Dry January is just…

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Read more about the article Death by Drowning – Coincidence or Fate?
Matthew Perry RIP

Death by Drowning – Coincidence or Fate?

Driving home from work tonight I heard on the radio that Matthew Perry died.  For those who live under a rock or who are under the age of 30, he…

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Read more about the article At What Price Freedom?
Photo by Nicholas Sampson on Unsplash

At What Price Freedom?

This saying just popped into my head tonight.  How fitting as today is a giant symbol of freedom, July 4th.  I think some historical guy said "at what price freedom?" …

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Read more about the article Phobia-phobic
Phobia of dark alleys? Nah, not when there's a pub in the middle. (Photo by Joey Banks on Unsplash)


Is there such a thing as phobia-phobic, a fear of phobias?  Is it even a real word?  When I first heard this word it made me laugh. A character on…

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