Table for Two. Oh you’ve not seen it? It’s a fucking great show. Where have you been? It’s on every Monday at 4:30, not sure how you missed it. Oh wait, I know how, because we only have one viewer. Some days though, wait for it…we actually have TWO viewers. Hey, baby steps.
So what is Table for Two you ask? It’s a forum where you can talk about anything, truly. Whatever is on your mind.
It all started completely by accident. Sometimes that’s how the best things begin.
Two people just casually chatting about life at first has now become a weekly discussion about, well, about anything and everything. My co-host and I cover a wide range of topics from the serious to the “I can’t believe you just said that” ridiculous.
Right now I’m not sure if I should heat up canned soup or frozen macaroni and cheese at 10:43 on a Monday night, so….let’s talk about soup vs. pasta. Soup or Pasta? Vanilla or Chocolate? Beach or Mountains? Do you believe in God? Are you happy where you are in your life right now? What do you want to do with your life? (I Wanna Rock! Sorry, Twisted Sister just popped into my head.)
Anyway, superficial, comical, deep, existential – it’s all covered in Table for Two. No judgment, no criticism (well, maybe a little between me and my co-host), just say what you feel. Carefree.
Everyone needs a space to just vent, talk, discuss, debate about everything from the trivial to the deep abyss that is “what the fuck are we all here for?” It’s easier to figure things out once you give them a voice either through talking or writing (case in point, this verbal vomit you’re reading right now), or however you choose to express yourself. It’s a mess, but you feel better after it’s out.
You know what everyone needs as well? A safe space.
A space where you feel your feelings and opinions are accepted, wanted, asked for even. A space to sort out the inner workings of your mind and heart. Trust me, mine is a mess in there.
In my castle of walls, moats, guards, attack dogs, barbed wire and hidden land mines, lurks my ever-exhausting, overthinking brain that doesn’t readily offer up its weirdness to the world. It has to be asked for. May sound snobbish now that I just wrote that. But shy people often come off as snobbish. As the unproud holder of the title “Shyest” in my high school class, I know what I’m talking about (for once).
Doesn’t everyone want to know that someone wants to know about them, like the real them?
Not many people ask enough questions. Yeah, how was your day, blah, blah, blah, but they tune you out as soon as you start off with “fine”. Table for Two is where you can tune in (haha see what I did there), where people (us co-hosts) listen, inquire, care. Admittedly, I’m usually a “fine” answerer when asked “how are you”. Because usually I don’t trust that people really want to know anything beyond the requisite “fine”. That’s why I forced it on them with this blog
I hope you’re lucky enough to have your own version of Table for Two aka someone to talk to. Everyone needs it.
Well some think they don’t. I know a lot of people like that. Walls are a tough thing to break down.
Some people say they’re happy behind their walls. But are they?
I used to say that. I still retreat there when things get to be too much.
Ugh, reminds me of the funeral I went to the other day. Social anxiety like a mother f-er. I hid on the couch by the coat room. Wish I could say I was making that up.
Anyway, I could write 17 pages about social anxiety but since I still haven’t heated up soup OR macaroni and cheese and it’s now 11:07, we’ll save that for another day. *Cliffhanger!
C’mon, gotta keep you interested somehow.
Oh! Reminds me, my co-host said I’m supposed to listen to “The Wall” by Pink Floyd. I seriously question his taste in music by the way, but hey, he questions mine I’m sure.
Yeah, yeah, I know, of course I’ve heard of “The Wall”, but I never really listened to it. Hey, I’m open to anything, and I’ll try anything twice, so I’ll give it a go.
Yes, I said twice. That’s what I say.
And “crying”, that’s also a word I say…a lot. It’s a joke, funny to some (not to you since I didn’t give you the backstory *another fucking cliffhanger!) but there’s always a bit of truth to every joke.
Anyway, “The Wall”, walls, you get it. And since we’re now on the topic of music, in our last two episodes my co-host has tried to convince me of the greatness of Meatloaf. I don’t know about you, but nails on a chalkboard in the form of songs that last 10 agonizing minutes is not greatness to me.
But hey, feel free to try and convince me otherwise. Good luck.
Anyway again, I’m blabbing on, but to my original point, Table for Two is a kick-ass show. I know, because I’m in it (haha, sorry, lame joke) and my co-host is in it. Two different personalities coming together to create an open discussion about…well, everything.
But my deeper original point is try and open up to people. Find someone you trust, pull out a chair and invite them to your table.
Just don’t serve any Meatloaf.
*How the fuck is it almost the end of February 2022?
**And I know you’re now probably feverishly scanning social media and streaming platforms looking for our show.
Keep looking.
Someday maybe.
Last week though, for the first time ever we actually had multiple questions from our audience (okay I say “audience”, others may say “people who happened to be standing in the same room at the time” – same difference). Again, baby steps. 3/16/22