Valentine’s Day Can Suck It

It’s not actually Valentine's Day yet, today is February 13th, Galentine's Day, a day to hang out with your gals, pals, friends, hell even your pets.  Pets are friends people. …

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Read more about the article Can a Number Be Cursed?
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Can a Number Be Cursed?

So I was watching the Travel Channel last night and there was this show on called American Mysteries (I know, nerd alert).  The show was about multiple airline crashes of…

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Read more about the article Dry January – WTF?
Liquor store sign in the dry climate of southwestern Colorado

Dry January – WTF?

Seriously, who came up with this idea?  I get why–the ubiquitous cleanse from all the overindulging we did around the holidays.  I say it’s all bullshit. Dry January is just…

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Read more about the article Trauma is a Blessing
Beautiful beach sunrise with my BFF - Maine, 2020

Trauma is a Blessing

(This Post Brought to You by the Letter B) Crazy thought right?  How in the world could trauma be good?  Who would ever think that?   I do.  I was…

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Read more about the article Roll the Tape – A Theory on Death
Photo by Anika De Klerk on Unsplash

Roll the Tape – A Theory on Death

Death sounds terrible doesn’t it?  Just the word itself sounds so harsh, so low-base, like the deepest-voiced opera singer (apparently called an Oktavist - who knew?).  Hey, you and I…

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