Read more about the article Casualties
The long, uphill path is usually the one worth taking.


A friend of mine has inspired me to write this.  This friend I've known for quite a while, many years in fact.  We may not be the text ten times…

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Read more about the article Soulmates
Moab, UT - camping with a soulmate, my sister


How do you know when you've found your soulmate?  Everyone says this:  so and so is my soulmate.  But how do you really know?  Do you even know what a soulmate…

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White Knuckles

My hands are sweaty and my muscles are burning as I climb the rope higher and higher.  Just gotta keep telling myself, don’t stop, you can do it.  You have…

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Read more about the article Inspiration
Green Lane Park - Montgomery County, PA. Nature = huge inspiration


What inspires you? I mean deep down in your soul, where it counts. What is that thing that makes you feel alive? Not just going through the motions of life…

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