A Lesson in Patience
I hate that Guns N Roses pops into my head when I think of the word patience. The word whiny also comes to mind right now. I need patience to…
I hate that Guns N Roses pops into my head when I think of the word patience. The word whiny also comes to mind right now. I need patience to…
Blurry is the line between ego and self-respect. Worse than the fog outside my window this morning. So what prompted me to write about this existential face-off of good vs.…
Serious fucking question. Besides a select, and I mean very select few, I can’t think of many. Patterns, history, do me wrong once shame on you and all that jazz. …
Don't boil the ocean. A friend of mine said this the other night. At the time he was referring to a mutual friend being teased because his favorite football team…
So I was driving home from work tonight and started thinking (keep your shocked faces to yourself), I write in metaphors a lot. Okay, now that I really think about…