Read more about the article Taking the L – The Game of Letting Go
Some things are hard to let go of

Taking the L – The Game of Letting Go

We say this at work on slow days with no customers - just take the L and chalk this day up to a loss.  No customers = no tips =…

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Read more about the article Are We Done Yet?
You weren't trying to get this laundry done were you?

Are We Done Yet?

Why does it seem like I’m never done?  Done with chores, done with errands, done with being productive, done with editing.  There’s always so much to do. I don’t know…

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Read more about the article A Lesson in Patience
My partner-in-crime patiently fishing

A Lesson in Patience

I hate that Guns N Roses pops into my head when I think of the word patience. The word whiny also comes to mind right now.  I need patience to…

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Read more about the article Ego vs. Self-Respect
Photo: - Pinterest

Ego vs. Self-Respect

Blurry is the line between ego and self-respect.  Worse than the fog outside my window this morning. So what prompted me to write about this existential face-off of good vs.…

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Read more about the article Is Anyone as Reliable as My Car?
The sun shining on the reliable Deviled Egg

Is Anyone as Reliable as My Car?

Serious fucking question.  Besides a select, and I mean very select few, I can’t think of many.  Patterns, history, do me wrong once shame on you and all that jazz. …

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