Read more about the article Procrastination – Part II
My mom's cat Bubba. He's never in a hurry to do anything.

Procrastination – Part II

Are you a procrastinator?  I wonder how many of us are out there.  Now I’m not talking about the type of person that occasionally puts off cleaning out their refrigerator…

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Read more about the article The Phone – An Apology Letter
My phone angst made me think of this sign I saw while on vacation last year. Fruita, CO

The Phone – An Apology Letter

Dear Everyone That Calls Me,   I am the worst.  Who doesn’t talk to the people they love and care about?  Answer: me.    It’s a big joke nowadays that…

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A Review of Charlie Brown/Peanuts Quotes

A sampling of a few of my favorites:    "Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.”   One of the ultimate bitches of life -…

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