Make Your Mess Your Message

It’s funny how life works.  I wrote Tuna Fish and Doritos a couple months ago (even though my procrastination pushed off my posting it), then a few weeks ago I…

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Read more about the article Sit Around the Fire
Moab, UT - 2019

Sit Around the Fire

In follow up to Tuna Fish and Doritos, I heard this song in yoga class the other day.  So fitting: “Sit Around the Fire” by Jon Hopkins Beyond all polarities…

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Tuna Fish and Doritos

I have no idea what this piece is about.  I was just free writing earlier and the thought that I like Doritos on a tuna fish sandwich popped in my…

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Read more about the article Safety in Solitude
Alone in the crowd. Can you spot my sister's dog Jake? He follows his own path.

Safety in Solitude

“I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be…

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